Why Should You Consider IMSI’s LMS and Certifications?
- Increase company profitability.
- Increase your value to your company and your marketability.
- Elevate your company presence by being an integral part of management systems operations.
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If You Could Improve Operations in Your Organization…
…could it help your career? Could it raise your status in your organization? Implementing the ISO Standards under the guidance of this Certification Program, you’ll become more valuable to your organization and any other organization you may be interested in working with. These Standards are universally suited to improving the effectiveness of any management system and the program works equally well across all certified management systems. It’s particularly valuable for Integrated Systems.
What is the Path?
- Start with MSP Courses 1, 2 & 3 to become a Certified Management System Specialist. This requires passing a quiz for each course and completing a project that demonstrates implementation of the ISO Standard.
- Repeat this process for MSP courses 4, 5 & 6 to become a Certified Management System Professional.
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What Happens After This Learning?
As you travel along this path, you’ll meet like-minded professionals who will become a source of information and support on your journey. At the same time, you’ll be a source of information for others you meet along the way.