Internal Auditor
As the name implies, Internal Auditors typically work for and within an organization and act as a third party when evaluating compliance to management system processes (i.e. quality management, safety management, etc.). In addition to this operational role, their skills are typically employed in advance of any formal third party auditing such as for supplier audits or management system certification (i.e. ISO 9001, ISO 45001). Internal Auditors are essential components of an organization’s quality management system, responsible for conducting audits within the company. Through specialized training, Internal Auditors learn to assess and ensure compliance with standards like ISO 9001. Their role involves evaluating internal processes, identifying areas for improvement, and verifying adherence to established protocols. By obtaining certification as an Internal auditor, individuals demonstrate their commitment and ability to uphold management system standards within their organization.
Lead Auditor
Similar to Internal Auditors, Lead Auditors can act as internal review agents to ensure adherence to stated management systems and processes. But in addition, they are trained to lead the team involved in these processes. By playing this pivotal role in overseeing audit processes both internally and externally, they help the organization adhere to both internal systems and general industry benchmarks. Through comprehensive training, lead auditors develop expertise in conducting audits, managing audit programs, leading audit teams, engaging with stakeholders, and navigating conflicts effectively. Earning a Lead Auditor credential, through coursework, experience, and passing an exam, Lead Auditors demonstrate proficiency in auditing organizations according to established standards and industry best practices.
Both of the above credentials can be assigned certifications that prove these designations have been earned through coursework, on the job practice and through continuing training/education. An example of this type of certification is Exemplar Global’s TPECS (The Professional Evaluation and Certification System), which is awarded through the training provider.