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BSI ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor (TPECS)
Feb 20-22, 2023 – Live Online – Full Day, Feb 27 – Mar 7, 2023 – Live Online – Half Day
Feb 27 – Mar 7, 2023 – Live Online – Half DayQuality Management
Personal Email: No Photo Available
BSI’s “ISO 9001:2015 Internal Quality Systems Auditor” competency-based course teaches the concepts of the ISO 9001:2015 standard and the principles and practices of effective internal audits in accordance with ISO 19011;2018. Experienced instructors explain the clauses of ISO 9001:2015 in detail and guide students through internal audits that are required for a quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015. Our qualified instructors will also help you to boost your audit capabilities with the latest developments of the new 19011 standard. Students gain necessary auditing skills through a balance of formal tutorials, practical role-playing, group workshops, and open forum discussions. BSI is an Exemplar Global (formerly RABQSA) certified training provider for the modules contained in this course. Attendees successfully completing this course receive a Certificate of Attainment for these Exemplar Global knowledge competency units: QM – Quality Management Systems Learning Objectives Understand quality management definitions, concepts, and guidelines Course Materials NOTE: Copies of the standards are not included in the class fee. BSI will make reasonable efforts to have loaner copies available for use during the class, but students are encouraged to have their own copy. Soft copies of the digital loaner standard cannot be printed or downloaded. Course Logistics Students need to connect to the class from any internet accessible location. You are encouraged to bring a laptop with you to class. Full Day Classes – (Live Online and In-person) There are 3 eight hour sessions*, one per day. There are online exams at the end of each competency unit, which are in sessions 2 and 3. Exams range from is 120 -145 minutes. Detailed exam instructions will be provided. Certificates of Attainment in each competency unit will be provided for students who are deemed “Competent” for each. Certificates of Attendance are provided to those who do not pass the competency exam(s), and students will be given the opportunity to retake the test(s). Half Day Classes – (Live Online) There are 6 four hour sessions*, one per day. There are online exams at the end of each competency unit, which are in sessions 4 and 6. Exams range from is 120 – 145 minutes. Detailed exam instructions will be provided. Certificates of Attainment in each competency unit will be provided for students who are deemed “Competent” for each. Certificates of Attendance are provided to those who do not pass the competency exam(s), and students will be given the opportunity to retake the test(s). Email Entry |