Cost of Quality Benchmarking Tool
Cost of Quality = Cost of Good Quality + Cost of Poor Quality
(CoQ = CoGQ + CoPQ)
To help make the Cost of Quality (CoQ) performance indicator (KPI) valuable to quality professionals, this benchmark data collection survey assays different quality costs in order to measure how much organizations generally invest in addressing quality issues, and allow individual groups to compare themselves to these averages.

Our goal is to provide a community-informed Cost of Quality calculator that will allow users to benchmark their quality costs against similar organizations for the following categories:
- Prevention costs
- Appraisal costs
- Internal failure costs
- External failure costs
Benefits of Participation
Participating in this benchmarking allows users to document how much their organization invests in specific quality issues and allows quality professionals to compare their organization’s quality costs with their peers.
With a thorough and accurate comparison of quality costs, organizations can better identify problem spots, cost savings, opportunities, and subsequent actions.

Using the Complete Tool: Consistent Updates and Benchmarks

The complete benchmarking tool will be segmented by organization size, industry, and other “demographic” factors to allow more direct and accurate comparisons.
By registering and using the complete benchmarking tool, users will receive consistent poll updates and the latest cost of quality benchmarks submitted by other users.
With continual updates, users can see how others have responded to the complete tool over time, comparing and sorting their costs with other organizations with similar demographic characteristics, including:
- Gross sales revenue
- Company size
- Type of industry/organization
- Job title