ISO 9001 Certification Cost Calculator
One of the first questions people ask when considering an ISO 9001:2015 certification is “How much will it cost?” That question does not have an easy answer because the total cost of registration includes both internal and external resources, some of which are hard to quantify. Also, because of the flexibility of the ISO 9001 standard to fit any size or type of business, costs widely vary based upon locations, number of employees, and the level of process complexity. No simple formula can calculate the cost to certify an organization and their quality management system to ISO 9001; however, the Conformance 1 Certification Cost Calculator comes close.
Consider the Variables
The ISO 9001 Cost Calculator is built to account for key variables resulting in quantifiable external costs. Using information provided by ISO consulting and training experts, this interactive online tool gives you the ability to choose the right criteria for your organization and your budget. As you make your selections, the cost estimator adds each line item, keeping a running approximation of what the total project could cost.
This estimator lets you choose from a range of services and in different combinations, depending on your needs. The list includes all the usual ISO 9001:2015 certification program services and tools you could use. Play out different cost scenarios to decide the best direction for your business.
Consulting Costs
The decision to hire a consultant can be an important one if the skills, timeframe or resources don’t exist internally. The cost calculator walks you through the basic questions to ask to ready the firm for ISO 9001 certification, and provides an estimate based on company size, management support, and internal resource availability.
Registrar Expense
The cost of a registrar for ISO 9001 certification varies depending on the vendor and qualifications being offered. Based on the continual feedback from the experts, the calculator provides an average cost estimate as a starting point for bids.
Training Services
If ISO 9001:2015 is new to the organization, training is essential. The cost calculator offers several options to choose from, so the estimate comes as close as possible. For example, it asks about in-person versus remote training, live versus self-paced, training in specific areas such as root cause analysis and certification basics, auditor training, and risk management education.
Software Estimate
If implementing a quality management system for the first time or upgrading, software purchases are commonly required. The cost calculator gives the user the opportunity to include the monthly expense in the overall estimate.
Sometimes a business might opt to purchase pre-made templates to serve as a starting point in creating necessary documentation. Templates are another category the cost calculator factors in.
Ask an Expert Feature
If questions arise while using the cost calculator, an organization can submit them using the linked form. A quality expert will respond with answers, so the business can proceed with the estimation process.
Once you’ve landed on the best set of services and tools for your ISO 9001 project, the results are emailed to the organization to review and share with their stakeholders.
These results are not an official quote; however, the pricing is based on continuous feedback with many ISO certification-related suppliers. These suppliers are providing proposals to potential customers daily, so the information is current and reliable.
Moving Forward
At any point in the process, cost calculator users can request official ISO quotes from hundreds of qualified providers using Gap Detect’s Lowest Cost ISO Services Quote Program. The process is easy to initiate through the calculator tool by completing a simple online form. This service is no-cost, time-saving, and commitment-free. The program decreases the time required to procure multiple quotes, allowing quick comparison from vendors to gage the best service level for the lowest cost.